Grammar? I hardly know 'er!

Grammar is weird. Especially as a future English teacher.

I've heard plenty of people advocate for ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CORRECT GRAMMAR ALL THE TIME.

Those people are nerds.

It's a fickle concept. Coming from someone who knows grammar & usage fairly well, I oftentimes intentionally misuse it. Not so much in things like, per-se, essays and other academic writings (like this post, perhaps), but I freely misuse and omit grammar in social media and text messages. I do this in an attempt to articulate different tonality and delivery in my messages, and I'm certainly not the only one that does this. A lack of total grammatical correctness, to me, articulates a certain warmth and familiarity in speech. It is comfortable, unregulated; I would even go so far as to say that it is free-flowing.

People that are stuck in the rut of typing EVERY SINGLE THING WITH 100% CORRECT GRAMMAR come off as stuck up and standoffish (to me) (and others, I'm sure) (undoubtedly). I think my opinion stems largely in part from my disdain of "academic language" and "formal tone," which are just white American archetypal heaps of bull-heck. Let people write how they want to write, period.

But, there should be SOME laws. Sometimes.

Grammar is wholly important to know. It is, after all, the rules by which the English language (and all languages, for that matter) abide by. As the FORMER CHAMPION OF THE 2007 OSAKIS HIGH SCHOOL SPELLING BEE I can certainly attest to the importance of all things grammatical. Without a base knowledge in how it works, our language comprehension would be severely lacking, and we would all suffer because of it. Grammar sucks to learn, but it's incredibly nice to know.

I don't have a super interesting question beyond the simple "How do you feel about grammar?" Everyone's opinions differ on the matter, and I look forward to reading everyone's blog posts about this.

I'm running out of quality sources to share that I've used myself, but here's one that seemed interesting. Something about making teaching grammar easier, which is obviously a good thing. NoRedInk


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